Malala Yousafzai
I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard

The Answers You Need
What motivated you to start this blog?
I explain some of this in the 'About' page if you' like to check that out. Really I just wanted an outlet. I think we all - as a human race - lack environments for self-expression. Here I get to create and control a place where all my crazy thoughts and emotions have no boundary. Because I believe everyone deserves to provide their soul with boundless expression, I decided to create a place where everyone and anyone can do just that.
What category of writing do you prefer?
I definitely love fictional writing. Although I do find joy in writing formal opinion pieces. This blog will be filled with both. Like I stated on the home page, my focus here is to explore the differences between fantasy and reality, and prove between the two is only a thin barrier.
How can we participate?
Well for starters, you can email me (the.mr.files.blog@gmail.com) if you have suggestions, recommendations, or anything you think will contribute to the blog. I can write an article on a topic you would like to have more information on. I can write an opinion piece on a debate you can't write form an opinion on. You can also subscribe to the blog to keep up on all my latest posts.

Thanks for your interest in The M.R. Files. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!